Daniel, Male born in 4th Jan 1952 at about 0255hrs.
Questions asked:
1. About his wealth,
2.About his health,
3. About his career
Daniel is born in the year of Rabbit, according to the lunar calender. If one follow the solar calender will think that Daniel is born in the year of Dragon.
He is born in mid-winter. His day master is Yin Earth, is like garden soil. Is soft. Daniel self stem is Yin Earth. According to the 12 life cycle, in winter water is strong earth is weak, furthermore, his bazi chart clearly shown that daniel is a weak earth self.
A weak earth self, needs fire and earth. Fire is resource(for his case)and earth is his sibling,friends and competitors.
10 years luck cycle, he is at his 2nd last year of Fire, which is his favorable, and 2009 is a strong earth year,and 09 also favorable to him. Can say that he is in good luck for 2009.
When he entered into the 49-58 years old luck cycle, he faced some unexpected events. Fire is suppose to be favorable to him, but this fire sometime can turn-around him and caused him to face some unexpected events to happen.
His wealth is not much, nevertheless if he has money, he is not able to control the money.
Career wise he can be in fire related industrial to excel.
As for his health, look out for kidney related problem, if it does have health problem.
Lastly, I would like to make a guess, he has a pretty wife, his wife may not be slim.
Wish him good health and good luck.
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