This is a weak and hot chart. This chart belongs to our member, Mr Choy Kah Yew. Kah Yew was born in 22nd June 1970 at about 1100 hrs.
The chart is as follow:
According to the Hsia Calendar, he was born in the 17th day of Mid Summer where is it still hot, furthermore, he was born in the hour of 'Wu' (noon), making his chart a hot chart. Kah Yew's DM (self) is weak due to only 1 x Water and 2 x Metals support, in summer water and metal are weak. As a result, his Day Master (DM) is weak.His Year Pillar of Branch is also hot earth. Hidden in the 'Wu' is fire and he has two in the chart.
Favorable and Unfavorable Elements
A weak DM needs resource and parallel(friends and sibling) to balance the chart. According to the destrutive cycle, Earth control Water, Water destroy Fire, Fire melt Metal. Those elements are in the chart.
Logically, he needs Metal. Come Metal, the earth give birth to metal and metal give birth to water, when water is strong, it will be able to cold the fire. Therefore, the most needed element is Metal. Metal is his resource, he needs to go for resource first. The next favorable element is Water. In conclusion, his favorable element is Metal and Water.
His most unfavorable element is fire and wood. Earth can say to be neutral, because Earth comes in from Heavenly Stem it will give birth to Metal and Metal will give birth to water, if it comes in from the Earthly Branch, fire will give birth to earth and earth will in-turn give birth to metal.
This year is wet earth year, at least can cold this chart. Next year is Tiger Year, The 3 combination will turn the Xu earth into fire. His heavenly stem of Gui and Wu combined to form Fire, which is his unfavorable.
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